Pugin Society Publications

GJ Hyland
The Pugin Society, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-5272-9156-0
A comprehensive catalogue of the architectural works of EW Pugin, this major study identifies 287 executed works, spread over six countries, whose provenance is established beyond doubt. The corpus of work is organised into 8 categories, each of which is prefaced by a generously illustrated critical analysis that highlights specific points of architectural interest and identifies stylistic interconnections within the wider EW Pugin canon. In addition, there are seven Appendices containing background information, including details of his various architectural partnerships and a useful summary of the totality of his realised buildings in the form of a gazetteer arranged by county, according to country. Detailed architectural information pertaining to each entry, together with supporting sources, can be downloaded HERE. A well-referenced biographical sketch of EW Pugin, based on the fragmentary information available to date, provides a socio-historical perspective to his work.
GJ Hyland
The Pugin Society, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-5272-9156-0
A comprehensive catalogue of the architectural works of EW Pugin, this major study identifies 287 executed works, spread over six countries, whose provenance is established beyond doubt. The corpus of work is organised into 8 categories, each of which is prefaced by a generously illustrated critical analysis that highlights specific points of architectural interest and identifies stylistic interconnections within the wider EW Pugin canon. In addition, there are seven Appendices containing background information, including details of his various architectural partnerships and a useful summary of the totality of his realised buildings in the form of a gazetteer arranged by county, according to country. Detailed architectural information pertaining to each entry, together with supporting sources, can be downloaded HERE. A well-referenced biographical sketch of EW Pugin, based on the fragmentary information available to date, provides a socio-historical perspective to his work.

PRESENTING PUGIN: A short introduction to the life and work of A.W.N. Pugin for visitors to Thanet
Robin Fleet with an introduction by Nick Dermott
The Pugin Society, 2013
Presenting Pugin, written by Society member Robin Fleet, discusses the life and background of Pugin, his writings, his architecture and work in the decorative and applied arts, while focussing on Ramsgate, which became his permanent home from 1844 onwards. This book is simply and clearly written and aims to answer the question once asked of a bemused Society member, 'Excuse me, but what is a Pugin?'. We hope visitors to East Kent, and particularly Ramsgate, will find it helpful and accessible.
Robin Fleet with an introduction by Nick Dermott
The Pugin Society, 2013
Presenting Pugin, written by Society member Robin Fleet, discusses the life and background of Pugin, his writings, his architecture and work in the decorative and applied arts, while focussing on Ramsgate, which became his permanent home from 1844 onwards. This book is simply and clearly written and aims to answer the question once asked of a bemused Society member, 'Excuse me, but what is a Pugin?'. We hope visitors to East Kent, and particularly Ramsgate, will find it helpful and accessible.

PUGIN IN HIS HOME: Two memoirs by John Hardman Powell
Edited with an Introduction by Alexandra Wedgwood
The Pugin Society, Thanet District Council, 2006
ISBN: 1-9538573-2-8
Two wonderful and intimate accounts of life in Ramsgate with Pugin by his pupil and son-in-law, John Hardman Powell. These are key sources for any lover of Pugin, entertaining reading, and a must-have.
Edited with an Introduction by Alexandra Wedgwood
The Pugin Society, Thanet District Council, 2006
ISBN: 1-9538573-2-8
Two wonderful and intimate accounts of life in Ramsgate with Pugin by his pupil and son-in-law, John Hardman Powell. These are key sources for any lover of Pugin, entertaining reading, and a must-have.

AWN Pugin
The Pugin Society with Spire Books Ltd
ISBN 0-9543615-4-7
One volume presents in facsmile two of the greatest and most important texts ever published on architecture and design. This volume, the Pugin Society Edition, presents in facsimile two of the greatest and most important texts ever published on architecture and design. With their wit and passion, sincerity and single-mindedness they had an enormous impact, shaping the way people designed buildings and even how they felt about them. So many of our own received notions about the build environment derive from Pugin's Contrasts and True Principles. The context and enormous significance of the two works is explained in perceptive introductions by one of today's leading Pugin scholars, Timothy Brittain-Catlin. Spire Books and the Pugin Society have worked closely together to ensure this superb gold-embossed hard cover, 256-page facsimile edition, closely replicates Pugin's original work.
AWN Pugin
The Pugin Society with Spire Books Ltd
ISBN 0-9543615-4-7
One volume presents in facsmile two of the greatest and most important texts ever published on architecture and design. This volume, the Pugin Society Edition, presents in facsimile two of the greatest and most important texts ever published on architecture and design. With their wit and passion, sincerity and single-mindedness they had an enormous impact, shaping the way people designed buildings and even how they felt about them. So many of our own received notions about the build environment derive from Pugin's Contrasts and True Principles. The context and enormous significance of the two works is explained in perceptive introductions by one of today's leading Pugin scholars, Timothy Brittain-Catlin. Spire Books and the Pugin Society have worked closely together to ensure this superb gold-embossed hard cover, 256-page facsimile edition, closely replicates Pugin's original work.

A FLINT SEASIDE CHURCH: St Augustine's Abbey Church, Ramsgate
Libby Horner and Gill Hunter
The Pugin Society, 2000
ISBN: 0 9538573 0 1
Forword by Alexandra Wedgwood
More than any other nineteenth-century architect, AW.Pugin determined the style of church building throughout the world during that century. It is thanks to him that when we see pointed arches and pointed windows we automatically expect to be looking at a church. This is because he believed that Christianity and the Gothic style were inseparable, and he said and wrote so with such force that the vast majority of churches built during that major period of church building were in that style. He was a Catholic, but the Gothic Revival was taken up by all Christian denominations. Ultimately the Catholic authorities were among the least enthusiastic.
It is, therefore, of the greatest interest to see how he interpreted his own 'true principles' in the church which he built himself, next to his own house, lovingly and slowly at his own expense, and dedicated to his patron saint, and in which he and his family are buried. The result is a deeply felt, spiritual building, both strong and beautiful, full of the character of its designer.
Libby Horner and Gill Hunter
The Pugin Society, 2000
ISBN: 0 9538573 0 1
Forword by Alexandra Wedgwood
More than any other nineteenth-century architect, AW.Pugin determined the style of church building throughout the world during that century. It is thanks to him that when we see pointed arches and pointed windows we automatically expect to be looking at a church. This is because he believed that Christianity and the Gothic style were inseparable, and he said and wrote so with such force that the vast majority of churches built during that major period of church building were in that style. He was a Catholic, but the Gothic Revival was taken up by all Christian denominations. Ultimately the Catholic authorities were among the least enthusiastic.
It is, therefore, of the greatest interest to see how he interpreted his own 'true principles' in the church which he built himself, next to his own house, lovingly and slowly at his own expense, and dedicated to his patron saint, and in which he and his family are buried. The result is a deeply felt, spiritual building, both strong and beautiful, full of the character of its designer.

EDWARD PUGIN AND KENT: his life and work within the county
Catriona Blaker
The Pugin Society, 2003
ISBN: 0-9538573-1-X
Introduction by Catriona Blaker
In this account my aim has been to describe and discuss, mainly chronologically, but occasionally thematically, aspects of the life and work of the architect and designer Edward Welby Pugin (1834-1875) in Kent, and particularly in Ramsgate, where he lived as a child, to where he returned in 1861, and where he spent a considerable amount of his time thereafter. I wanted to try to bring him to the forefront, away from the shadow of his celebrated father, and to consider how his architecture and approach to his profession changed and developed from that of Augustus Pugin. I have ventured some judgements about his work stylistically, and have attempted to provide some background material that highlights the particular demands made upon him locally, demands that helped to shape both his buildings and himself.
Edward Pugin was first and foremost a Catholic, working within a close network of friends and connections. However, whereas Augustus Pugin had gloried in his conversion to Catholicism, it is possible, in the next generation, to see Edward's life in Thanet in terms of someone who felt himself to be somewhat of an outsider. He came certainly from a famous family, but also from a minority group, and he felt, perhaps, a desire to 'belong'. By lavish hospitality, by joining the local Volunteer Artillery Corps, and by close involvement with the Ramsgate Local Board, he satisfied this need.
Both as an architect and a man, Edward Pugin was an original. He was highly industrious, able, and at times capable of daring and imaginative work. His over-excitable and irascible nature fought, to his detriment, with his natural generosity and enthusiasm. His bankruptcy and legal cases make sad reading. At first sight, it is difficult perhaps, where his local activities are concerned, to relate him to the mainstream of the nineteenth century, despite his national standing. On the other hand, his involvement with business men and speculators, his wholehearted identification with the Volunteers, and even his bankruptcy, are very much of their times, even if they do have a strong regional flavour of their own. His career in Kent follows an unusual and revealing trajectory; I hope that readers will find Edward Pugin, his work, his faith, his life and his character as interesting as I have done, and that they will perhaps begin to think about him in a new way.
Catriona Blaker
The Pugin Society, 2003
ISBN: 0-9538573-1-X
Introduction by Catriona Blaker
In this account my aim has been to describe and discuss, mainly chronologically, but occasionally thematically, aspects of the life and work of the architect and designer Edward Welby Pugin (1834-1875) in Kent, and particularly in Ramsgate, where he lived as a child, to where he returned in 1861, and where he spent a considerable amount of his time thereafter. I wanted to try to bring him to the forefront, away from the shadow of his celebrated father, and to consider how his architecture and approach to his profession changed and developed from that of Augustus Pugin. I have ventured some judgements about his work stylistically, and have attempted to provide some background material that highlights the particular demands made upon him locally, demands that helped to shape both his buildings and himself.
Edward Pugin was first and foremost a Catholic, working within a close network of friends and connections. However, whereas Augustus Pugin had gloried in his conversion to Catholicism, it is possible, in the next generation, to see Edward's life in Thanet in terms of someone who felt himself to be somewhat of an outsider. He came certainly from a famous family, but also from a minority group, and he felt, perhaps, a desire to 'belong'. By lavish hospitality, by joining the local Volunteer Artillery Corps, and by close involvement with the Ramsgate Local Board, he satisfied this need.
Both as an architect and a man, Edward Pugin was an original. He was highly industrious, able, and at times capable of daring and imaginative work. His over-excitable and irascible nature fought, to his detriment, with his natural generosity and enthusiasm. His bankruptcy and legal cases make sad reading. At first sight, it is difficult perhaps, where his local activities are concerned, to relate him to the mainstream of the nineteenth century, despite his national standing. On the other hand, his involvement with business men and speculators, his wholehearted identification with the Volunteers, and even his bankruptcy, are very much of their times, even if they do have a strong regional flavour of their own. His career in Kent follows an unusual and revealing trajectory; I hope that readers will find Edward Pugin, his work, his faith, his life and his character as interesting as I have done, and that they will perhaps begin to think about him in a new way.

THE PUGINS: A Ramsgate Town Trail
A fourth, updated edition of this fold-out leaflet has now been published by the Pugin Society. It can be obtained from the Society by contacting Catriona Blaker and is available also in Ramsgate and Margate Visitor Information Centres. Or you can view a digital version HERE.
A fourth, updated edition of this fold-out leaflet has now been published by the Pugin Society. It can be obtained from the Society by contacting Catriona Blaker and is available also in Ramsgate and Margate Visitor Information Centres. Or you can view a digital version HERE.
These titles and back copies of True Principles, the journal of the Pugin Society, are available for purchase in our BOOKSHOP