True Principles - Past Issues
True Principles: Transactions of the Pugin Society is named after one of Augustus Pugin's greatest works - The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture (1841) - in which he outlines his architectural theories, showing firmly that it is in the Gothic style that these theories can best be exemplified. Transactions, which will focus on one substantial article, is due to appear as and when an outstandingly interesting Pugin-related contribution of sufficiently high standard emerges. We are anxious to encourage debate on Pugin topics and submissions are welcome. It is edited by John Elliott.

Regarding our digitised publications, every effort has been made to contact copyright holders for these images.
We would be grateful if any whom we have failed to find would contact us.
We would be grateful if any whom we have failed to find would contact us.

Regarding our digitised publications, every effort has been made to contact copyright holders for these images.
We would be grateful if any whom we have failed to find would contact us.
We would be grateful if any whom we have failed to find would contact us.

Regarding our digitised publications, every effort has been made to contact copyright holders for these images.
We would be grateful if any whom we have failed to find would contact us.
We would be grateful if any whom we have failed to find would contact us.

Regarding our digitised publications, every effort has been made to contact copyright holders for these images.
We would be grateful if any whom we have failed to find would contact us.
We would be grateful if any whom we have failed to find would contact us.

Regarding our digitised publications, every effort has been made to contact copyright holders for these images.
We would be grateful if any whom we have failed to find would contact us.
We would be grateful if any whom we have failed to find would contact us.

Regarding our digitised publications, every effort has been made to contact copyright holders for these images.
We would be grateful if any whom we have failed to find would contact us.
We would be grateful if any whom we have failed to find would contact us.